Please Note: We are away for the 2nd half of September, so if you need your order quickly, please place it before Thursday September 12th.

CONVERGENCES on Music and Sound Modalities

Over this summer, there have been many workshops on CONVERGENCE of Sound Healing, Therapeutic Music, Music Therapy, Music-Thanatology, Energetics to name just a few of the modalities. We invite you to view some of our BLOGS - with people like Kees Peters from the Netherlands on Soundfulness - to Jeff Volk on Cymatics - to the Association of Therapeutic Harp Practitioners in Canada - and much more once you get into the sites. Please plan to join us in the UK on October 30th in Derbyshire.

If anyone is interested in giving a presentation in their modality, please contact Christina Tourin at We are finalizing our presentations at this time.

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